Sponsors and supporters

It is thanks to the donations of partners, sponsors, patronage, and donators that the Foundation can ensure the upkeep of the «Place of Contemplation».

The Gotthard Motorway Service Area provides electricity and water. The office operating the motorways of the canton Uri regularly cleans the building and the courtyard.

Dätwyler Stiftung


Inländische Mission Schweizerisches Katholisches Solidaritätswerk


Regierungsrat Uri


Stiftung Dialog zwischen Kirchen, Religionen und Kulturen


Otto Gamma-Stiftung

Other sponsors and supporters

Anja Wild Grafik - Website
Einwohnergemeinde Erstfeld - Website
Einwohnergemeinde Schattdorf - Website
Kirchenrat Schattdorf - Website
Kirchenrat Erstfeld Website
Korporation Uri - Website
Lions Altdorf - Website
Rotary Club Altdorf - Website
zottermedia gmbh - Website